show ip vrf [options] [vrf_name]
Common options include;
- brief - display brief VRF information (name, RD and interfaces) - this is the default output if no options are used
- detail - display detailed VRF information
- id - display VPN routing/forwarding VPN-ID information
- interfaces - display information on VRF enabled interfaces
Usage Examples
show ip vrf - display brief VRF information
show ip vrf detail vrftest - display detailed VRF information for the VRF named testvrf only
Typical Output
show ip vrf;
Name Default RD Interfaces
show ip vrf detail vrftest;
VRF vrftest; default RD; default VPNID
Description: Test VRF
Gi0/5 Gi0/6
Connected addresses are not in global routing table
No Export VPN route-target communities
No Import VPN route-target communities
No import route-map
No export route-map
VRF label distribution protocol: not configured
VRF label allocation mode: per-prefix
show ip vrf interfaces;
Interface IP-Address VRF Protocol
Gi0/5 vrftest up
Gi0/6 vrftest up